Well, summer is finally here. A time that can be a double-edged sword for many hunters. The time in between deer and turkey season is confusing. Should you just be prepping for next season? Or is there something else you could be doing to fill your time? Are there even any summer hunts to be had?
Going to the range and shooting clay pigeons can only scratch the itch too much. But what is there to hunt during the summer?
Summer hunts
The first thing you have to consider is where you live. Obviously, seasons and dates change depending on where you are, making sure you are in the right state for what you want to hunt.
You can do this in a number of ways. Guides and outfitters, public land, or a quality hunting lease.
Animals to hunt in the summer
#1 Hog Hunting
Unluckily, states that are filled with hogs are usually not very excited about their presence. Luckily for hunters, it gives us a great opportunity for some high-paced off-season hunting.
Like any hunting, hog hunting is greatly dictated by the state that you are in. However, due to wild hogs’ damaging nature, almost any state with them in it allows for hunting.
The way you hunt wild hogs is part of what makes the fun. You could find yourself in a tree stand with a standard rifle or on the ground with an AR-15. Heck, if you’re in Texas, where the population of bigs is in the hundreds of thousands, you could even shoot them out of a helicopter!
Overall, hog hunting is a great way to way hunt in the off-season. As well as add to the conservation efforts of where you are hunting.
Hunting coyotes in the summertime is a great way to occupy your time. Similar to feral hogs, coyotes are often seen as a pest or nuisance to many people. Scavengers, by nature, these guys will eat anything and everything./ From rifling through the garbage next to your house to taking out the neighborhood cat. Game laws surrounding them are pretty lax because of this.
“Most of us hate to see hunting season fade away. Spring with its pollen and summer with its blazing heat makes all deer hunters long for fall months. The truth is that it doesn’t have to fade away, at least not so soon. If you haven’t tried coyote hunting, now is the perfect time for many reasons. First, as it gets colder across much of the country, hungry coyotes are up and looking for food more than ever. A new coat of snow on your lease really brings them out to hunt and makes them much easier to see. To make it even funnier, the breeding season for coyotes starts in January and can go through March. Just like during the whitetail rut, sightings can really start to climb now. Hey, even a coyote needs love!”
Check out our full article on why you should be hunting more coyotes here!
Black Bears
If you find yourself in Idaho this summer, you might want to check out the serious black bear hunting they have going on out there!
You can take down bears all the way through June in certain parts of the state. Bear hunting is the unique aspect of hound hunting! Which is an exciting twist on traditional hunting that makes hunting black bear that much more fun.
Bear hunts are typically reserved for the more experienced hunters. So make sure you are prepared for hiking and snow if you plan on chasing one!
Iguana Hunting
While there may be hunters who go their entire life without taking down a reptile, it sure can be fun! Like hogs and coyotes, these things are not wanted by the place they call home.
All around Florida, folks have been dealing with the never-ending pestering from these tiny dinosaurs. Their numbers have gotten so bad that the state itself asks people to hunt them. As well as dozens of companies have popped up with the sole purpose of reducing iguana numbers.
They are extremely destructive to the environment of Florida, as they are not native to the state. So if you want to try something new, hutn with an airgun and clean up the state while youre at it. Iguana hunting could be for you!
Just go Fishing!
As much as the next guy, I know that sometimes, without traveling, hunting is just not a viable option. But I can always find a body of water to throw some hooks in!
It might not be hunting, but it’s outside, you can do it with friends, and you can drink beer while you do it!
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