00:00:20:05 – 00:00:34:09
Speaker 1
Welcome to the American Hunting Podcast Today. Today is our first podcast of 2019. We felt like we kind of dipped our toes and even starting a podcast in 2018, we had four episodes under our belts and we are we’re ready for the new year.
00:00:34:16 – 00:00:47:01
Speaker 1
So before we get started, let me read that the American Hunting Podcast is brought to you by who else but the American Hunting Lease Association. Everything you need to enjoy a safe, successful and affordable hunting lease all in one place.
00:00:47:07 – 00:01:07:04
Speaker 1
Resources like the secret to hunting private land. Free e-book download and the front porch get both free to download to time tested lease agreements and of course the most affordable hunting lease liability insurance policy you will find. Protect your landowner and yourself all while making it the hunting lease concept a reality for you with the lease complete
00:01:07:04 – 00:01:16:09
Speaker 1
risk management package. The American Hunting Lease Association. Your Hunting Lease Resource Mirabito self-indulgent adage all.
00:01:16:11 – 00:01:19:02
Speaker 2
Yes, first of all, happy New Year to.
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Speaker 1
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Speaker 2
One. Bobby Connor First episode of 2019. The First four. We’re kind of like a test run for us, I feel like, and I couldn’t be more happy with the results. We did do a little bit of everything, want to see what we were capable of.
00:01:32:10 – 00:01:43:19
Speaker 2
We had the in-studio guest with Jake. We had Sean Curran from Sportsman’s Alliance over the phone, two episodes with just, just you and I, kind of talking and going back and forth about different topics. And I think I think it went well.
00:01:44:05 – 00:01:54:21
Speaker 1
Oh, I couldn’t agree more. And, you know, it’s a funny thing. We just watched the video you had a little bit ago called Don’t Start a Podcast. You know, we we wanted to do a podcast. You know, content is the it’s the.
00:01:55:09 – 00:01:57:20
Speaker 2
Yeah, you go back to 2012 and say content.
00:01:58:09 – 00:02:11:01
Speaker 1
Right? And now we’re just flooded with Instagram accounts who are like, you know, want to create content that drives me nuts. What we want to do is give our members or our listeners, our viewers to our podcast some value.
00:02:11:10 – 00:02:24:14
Speaker 1
There’s this is free, you know, but we have some information that we think maybe you’d like to hear. We have some connections in the hunting lease industry, some you know, we’ve had JT along, we’ve had Sean Kiernan from the Sportsman’s Alliance, so we’re gonna keep those things going and this is going to get better.
00:02:24:14 – 00:02:38:04
Speaker 1
And you know, it was my hope or even request when we started that this would be mobile. And so we’re not just going to sit here all year, we’re going to go out and we’re see where we can take all this gear and these two guys.
00:02:38:04 – 00:02:50:16
Speaker 2
And yeah, it’s fun as it is doing these these episodes. It is nice to get outside once in a while and you can do something on location. So I’m sure we’ll be on the lease this year and shoot something down there and different spots.
00:02:50:16 – 00:02:54:13
Speaker 2
So I’m excited for it. Any New Year’s resolutions?
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Speaker 1
No. Just, you know, not to tell people things they don’t care about. I have ankle surgery. I’ve got a bad ankle, a bum leg for about a year. Really. And I’ve been on a food bender and a not working out bender.
00:03:06:22 – 00:03:19:00
Speaker 1
So, yeah, my New Year’s resolution by like trillions of other people is to. All right, got it fixed a couple of weeks ago. And I’m ready to to start living again and getting outside and hiking. And my wife and I have some plans.
00:03:19:00 – 00:03:28:12
Speaker 1
We want to go hiking in the Grand Canyon again and, uh, you know, just see this country. Obviously, you can’t do that when you’re. It’s out of shape. And, you know, just you need.
00:03:28:12 – 00:03:32:05
Speaker 2
A broke you need an ankle to ankles to do that. So true. Good.
00:03:33:15 – 00:03:35:01
Speaker 1
You want to review the year?
00:03:35:09 – 00:03:50:10
Speaker 2
Yeah. I mean, 2018 was, um, we always set goals and we have expectations every, every year. And, you know, I think it’s okay to set lofty goals because you shoot for something and you’re striving towards it every year.
00:03:51:01 – 00:03:57:22
Speaker 2
But this time, you know, I have a conversation. I always have that little bit of doubt and I’m like, I don’t I don’t know how we’re going to be able to accomplish these things. But as you.
00:03:58:00 – 00:03:59:12
Speaker 1
Talk about business, yeah. Okay.
00:03:59:12 – 00:04:11:18
Speaker 2
Yeah. So every year we every year we do it and we get better and we grow. And 2018 was was pretty unbelievable with all the things we were able to accomplish and then plan A for 2019. You have the notes here.
00:04:11:18 – 00:04:27:17
Speaker 2
It’s just kind of it feels like everything’s falling into place for us at the American Hunting Lease Association. So we wanted to kick off this year with this episode, kind of talking about more in depth of what our program is, what we offer, how, how members, whether you buy an insurance policy from us or not, you can
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Speaker 2
benefit from the things that we offer on a hunting lease dot org. So I think that’s kind of where we’re going to start.
00:04:32:04 – 00:04:46:12
Speaker 1
Absolutely. So if you’re listening today, you know, we are going to talk a little bit about ourselves, a lot about ourselves, frankly. But it’s going to be interesting. And and I think there’s so much new information for you that that I would hope you would just, you know, bear bear with us.
00:04:46:12 – 00:05:03:08
Speaker 1
And I think you’re gonna pick some some interesting stuff out. I’ve been with the American Heart Association for five years. And like anything I’ve learned this over my life, when you start something, you want it all right now and you know, you want it to be a certain way today.
00:05:03:23 – 00:05:17:18
Speaker 1
And what I’ve learned is it just can’t be. Typically, those things that are worth building require time and effort and patience and planning and all those things. And I to say for the first time but remember, really, it’s true for the first time.
00:05:18:00 – 00:05:36:00
Speaker 1
I feel like when I started five years ago, this is where I wanted to be. This today, what we offer today, what we how we impact the hunting landscape, if you will, were there today. And so 2019 as the marketing director is it’s your job to shout this.
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Speaker 1
You know, we’ve built it and now it’s up to you and your team and your staff to to sound the horn, you know, until everybody know that it’s here.
00:05:42:21 – 00:05:59:02
Speaker 2
Yeah, we really feel like we’re offering more of a complete program at this point. You know, there are pieces we’ve had the hunting lease insurance, which has always been the staple for us. It’s that’s what we do. It’s not just something that we offer in addition to a bunch of other things.
00:05:59:02 – 00:06:16:00
Speaker 2
And it’s just kind of like a side product. It is what we focus on. We try to offer the best hunting lease insurance program for just normal, everyday guys. Costs cost effective has all the limits that they need access to written lease agreements, everything that they would need to.
00:06:16:01 – 00:06:29:07
Speaker 2
We talk about the front porch, get knock on someone’s front door and say, hey, this is what I’m willing to do for you to show you I’m responsible and have a conversation about hunting someone’s property. So I’m going into my fourth year and every year we add another piece and another piece.
00:06:29:07 – 00:06:43:19
Speaker 2
Another piece, and it’s it’s not a one off. They’re all complimentary of each other. So we look at 2019, what we what we offer. And it’s really it’s really a complete, comprehensive program. So I just want to jump right into it and start breaking it down and what these things are.
00:06:43:19 – 00:06:44:09
Speaker 2
And well.
00:06:44:13 – 00:06:59:04
Speaker 1
Let’s let’s you’re listening. We’ve we’ve now mentioned the secret to hunting privately and twice in just in the last 3 minutes. So let’s explain what this is. We put this together last year and so many times people want to know, how did you get that land?
00:06:59:04 – 00:07:08:13
Speaker 1
How did you not only find that lease, but how do you get permission to hunt that land? And you talk to people all the time and they say, I just knock on doors. I knock on doors. I knocked on a thousand doors, I knocked on a hundred doors.
00:07:09:06 – 00:07:21:07
Speaker 1
And that, by and large, might work. Where I don’t know that it would work is that you have a hard time getting an exclusive deal that way. Yeah, you might get permission hung out there, but you’re likely going to be hunting with someone else.
00:07:21:07 – 00:07:33:16
Speaker 2
My brother’s dealing with that right now. He he a his boss at work actually owns a couple pieces of property. And my brother is trying to coordinate with this. This guy all his gun hunts and my brother typically only bones.
00:07:34:07 – 00:07:44:14
Speaker 2
And they’re trying to coordinate what weekend? Yeah, they’ll be out there. And this guy doesn’t want my brother out there when he’s out there and vice versa. And, you know, I just told him like, hey, man, just look into the stuff.
00:07:44:14 – 00:07:54:13
Speaker 2
Take it to your boss, see what he says. So if you’re going to be knocking on doors, you’re going to be talking to people of you’re going to get a lot of no’s, but eventually you’ll get a yes.
00:07:54:18 – 00:07:58:12
Speaker 2
You just want to have something that increases your odds of success. Right.
00:07:58:12 – 00:08:15:04
Speaker 1
We just we simply don’t. Times have just changed to say something really cliche. And if you’re knocking on doors and you just want permission, then I hope you get permission. And if you have to share the woods or to share property with somebody for free, that’s a good thing for you.
00:08:15:04 – 00:08:32:06
Speaker 1
If you’re happy with that, then fantastic. But what we’re saying is you won’t download this again, this free download on our website, this just kind of lays out here are some other options. You knock on that door like everybody else has instead of just say, Hey, I’d like to hunt your ground.
00:08:32:13 – 00:08:49:11
Speaker 1
If you said, listen, Mr. Landowner, I understand your your plight. I know where you are. I know the operational costs are exorbitant. I know those things. I’d like an arrangement here where maybe it’s exclusive. Maybe we sign a contract and I lease it for a year, and then you two standing on the front porch can work out
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Speaker 1
a deal that’s agreeable to both of you. You know, and all this is laid out in here. And, you know, basically what the secret to running private land is. Take care of your landowner and we’re not going to rehash all that.
00:08:58:07 – 00:09:15:00
Speaker 1
We believe that the landowner in this country needs to be addressed first and then the rest of your hunting needs. And then with this, the secret to hunting private land, we also offer the free front porch kit. And in your front porch kit, it’s real simple letter tells you kind of how to start maybe what a good
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Speaker 1
opening line is. And then a copy of our lease agreement that you can sign. It’s customizable, so you can put your own needs in here and the needs of the landowner. And then the last thing, not just a brochure, but is a certificate of our liability insurance.
00:09:30:11 – 00:09:32:05
Speaker 1
Yep. Just lays everything.
00:09:32:05 – 00:09:33:07
Speaker 2
Out free, by the way.
00:09:33:09 – 00:09:42:22
Speaker 1
100% free. So what we want to do is, you know, I love to put this in as many hands as possible. So, you know, go to our website, take a look at this, download it. Now’s the time. By the way.
00:09:42:23 – 00:09:51:11
Speaker 1
Let’s talk about that. Why is January and February such a busy time in the hunting lease industry? Do you know? You should know, I would think. You know, yeah.
00:09:51:11 – 00:10:02:11
Speaker 2
I feel like it’s to the point where all the seasons are wrapping up and guys want to be prepared for you. They don’t want to wait until October, November to try to find a piece of property like we do.
00:10:02:11 – 00:10:15:15
Speaker 2
We go out there during the summer, we hang stands, we, you know, take care of our property. We do quality deer management stuff. So I would assume now you want to get your your piece of land and then you want to take care of that so you could have the most successful season at the end of the
00:10:15:15 – 00:10:15:20
Speaker 2
00:10:15:20 – 00:10:29:12
Speaker 1
I don’t disagree with any of that. But here’s my take. Frustration on both sides is at an all time high right now. The season just wrapped up. And if I’m a landowner, I am done with the 20 or 30 guys that are back there hunting.
00:10:29:17 – 00:10:38:01
Speaker 1
There’s trash everywhere. I saw different trucks back there. So-and-so might have gotten hurt and I don’t know how I’m done. I’m going to lease my ground next year.
00:10:38:10 – 00:10:54:14
Speaker 2
You know, that’s a that’s a great point because. You as the guy who’s knocking on the door now for that landowner. Right. You have to answer for the actions of the guys before you guys you don’t know guys you’ve never associated with and who might behave in a way that you won’t behave.
00:10:54:15 – 00:11:08:01
Speaker 2
They may leave trash. They may do things on the property that the landowner is not fond of. You have to answer for for what they did the previous year. And that’s not not completely fair. But I also understand why the landowner might be turned off by the idea.
00:11:08:01 – 00:11:09:21
Speaker 1
But you’re also the solution to their problems.
00:11:09:21 – 00:11:11:13
Speaker 2
That’s how you have to. That’s how you have to act.
00:11:11:14 – 00:11:23:02
Speaker 1
You’re the solution. Put in the agreement. If there’s trash, I’ll pick it up. You know, I will. I will pay for a liability insurance policy in case somebody gets hurt. We’ll take care of all those things for you.
00:11:23:02 – 00:11:34:07
Speaker 1
There won’t be 20 people back there. There’ll be three. Me and my two friends. You’re the solution to their problem. And that’s why, you know, that’s that’s the way you have to look at it. Hunter’s frustration again, I went out there.
00:11:34:07 – 00:11:46:19
Speaker 1
Every time I go out there, there’d be three or four guys already out there I’m going to lease next year. And that we see in the industry, this is a big time. The time is right to knock on doors and that’s why we’re doing this podcast today.
00:11:46:23 – 00:12:04:00
Speaker 1
And it’s why we’re leading with, you know, us trying to help you get in the door, so to speak. It works. You’re not going to get a yes the first time, but eventually you are going to hit on the landowner who says, Yeah, that’s come on and let’s talk, you know, so I want to back up just
00:12:04:00 – 00:12:17:02
Speaker 1
a hair and just kind of mention that where the American Association came from, you know, it was born out of the idea that people want to do this on their own. It is a do it do it yourself philosophy.
00:12:17:13 – 00:12:31:08
Speaker 1
And so if you’re not used to hunting broke or hunting these broker and you do knock on doors or you do know where you want to hunt, you know, and you already know the landowner, the HLA just wanted to provide you with a lease agreement.
00:12:32:13 – 00:12:43:21
Speaker 1
A liability insurance policy and just the guidance to do it properly is pretty simple. Yeah, it is simple. And you know, I hear people all the time say, well, honey leases, they’re just too expensive. They’re just for the rich.
00:12:43:21 – 00:13:04:12
Speaker 1
And of course, we’ve been over that. And I’m going to rehash that again either because we’ve proven that that’s not the case. At the same time, we want to keep this as affordable as possible. So we’ve we’ve built over the last eight years, we’ve built a process, a company, an organization that understands not just the needs of
00:13:04:12 – 00:13:15:14
Speaker 1
the landowner, but the needs of the hunters in the Hunt Club. And so we have made this as simple as possible. You can buy this insurance policy, you can buy our lease agreement. You can download all this on our website easily.
00:13:15:21 – 00:13:35:07
Speaker 1
Okay. And that’s where we are headed, because now, unknown to us in 2010 was that in 2016, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would release a survey that says we’re down millions of hunters. Yeah. You know, I just saw something on the news here in Indiana the other day that, you know, we were down, I would say
00:13:35:07 – 00:13:57:09
Speaker 1
200,000 licenses in 2016 just in Indiana. Yeah. So what’s the answer? Well, it’s multipronged, but I think one of the I know one of the problems is access, not free access, but access. And so we believe that the hunting lease concept will play a vital role in the future of hunting and the comeback, if you will, of
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Speaker 1
hunting and certain of it. And so we’re going to make that a simple and affordable and as painless as possible, because and I’ve said this before. When you hunt, it’s to relax, when you go to enjoy it. And so I don’t think that enjoyment or that that relaxation should be affected negatively at the very beginning.
00:14:17:21 – 00:14:33:06
Speaker 1
If buying insurance and and just executing your hunting lease is a pain in the butt and it drives you nuts and it stressed you out. You’re turned off from the very beginning. This is part of your passion. And we want to make it as an and say this as enjoyable as hunting, but it’s just pain free.
00:14:34:20 – 00:14:52:21
Speaker 2
How many conversations have we had internally about our we’re so focused on our process because it’s such a huge priority for us. We don’t want guys to have to worry about whether or not they’re going to get coverage, wait six weeks for a certificate, have to forward everything to their landowner.
00:14:52:22 – 00:14:58:18
Speaker 2
We’ve had so many conversations internally about our process. You know, is it too slick? Is it to.
00:14:59:13 – 00:15:00:04
Speaker 1
Have had that.
00:15:00:04 – 00:15:14:05
Speaker 2
Conversation? And you know what? I don’t think it is because, you know, and I think having this conversation on a platform like this podcast is important because guys can see that we have the best your best interest in mind.
00:15:14:05 – 00:15:31:20
Speaker 2
We we want to make this as pain free as possible. This process doesn’t need to be so cumbersome that you don’t need to print out something and fill it out and mail it in and then send two different checks in and buy a membership fee and do all this thing, you know, wait six weeks for a certificate
00:15:32:01 – 00:15:42:20
Speaker 2
you can get on, create an account, 10 minutes next day coverage. It really can be that easy. And we’ve we’ve said we don’t know why other companies won’t offer this thing. It can be this simple.
00:15:43:02 – 00:16:01:08
Speaker 1
Yeah, I think the reason they don’t is because there’s no other company doing this or organization. There’s just not. This is all we do. We’ll do anything else. So the insurance companies that sell this kind of insurance that, by the way, don’t offer lease agreements and they don’t offer the guidance and the content buzzword that we have
00:16:01:16 – 00:16:15:15
Speaker 1
. They have other things to do. They’ve got other markets and they’re selling car insurance and home insurance over here. This is just a little thing that they do just add some revenue to the bottom line. That’s all we do, hunting leases and making them easy for the people around the country to do that.
00:16:15:18 – 00:16:29:06
Speaker 1
Yeah, I want to make it as easy as possible and as affordable as possible for you if you’re listening to take your child or your friend hunting period and if if any product we can create to serve that end, I’m on board with period.
00:16:29:08 – 00:16:34:17
Speaker 2
And we always have staff ready to answer your questions. And that’s let’s just call it House Call.
00:16:34:17 – 00:16:48:11
Speaker 1
We’re a staff of six sitting in Indiana working every day to make these things happen. And that’s what we do. Yeah. Call us. We love talking to you folks. So you mentioned the certificates of insurance. When you buy insurance, it’s one of the things you have to have.
00:16:48:11 – 00:17:04:06
Speaker 1
Your landowner says you’ve got to have insurance and you cannot hunt until I see the certificate of insurance. Yeah. Some of the other companies say on their websites during busy times might be 4 to 6 weeks. Yeah. If this were 1975, I would understand that.
00:17:04:06 – 00:17:22:04
Speaker 1
But it’s not. So I’m excited. This is probably the biggest this is what we have is that with our insurance partners and we’ve been asking for this for quite a while, we are going to start emailing certificates of insurance to all purchasers.
00:17:22:17 – 00:17:35:18
Speaker 1
So whether you’re you’ve been a member for the last several years or you’re a new customer, we will email your certificate of insurance to you the following business day from your purchase. In hand.
00:17:35:18 – 00:17:37:05
Speaker 2
It doesn’t get in 24 hours.
00:17:37:05 – 00:17:48:14
Speaker 1
It might be less than 24 hours. We’re going to do it every morning. So it gets no easier for that than that. And I mean. Oh, I’m I guess it takes very little to get me excited in my old age.
00:17:48:14 – 00:18:04:05
Speaker 1
But yeah, the fact that we can email cert the following day and you’re covered the next day is, is everything to our hunters? Yeah. You know, we’ve taken that step and and hey, we’ve got a full time web developer here, and we have to write that program.
00:18:04:05 – 00:18:20:21
Speaker 1
We have to create this software, if you will. And so it’s not easy, but anything we can do. Absolutely. It’s important because if it’s November 3rd and I finally got this landowner to agree to a lease and he needs a certificate of insurance and take it to him the next day.
00:18:20:21 – 00:18:28:21
Speaker 2
Next day. I mean, you literally don’t have to invest any more time than a half an hour and hunting lease insurance. You can Google it. You can look at.
00:18:28:21 – 00:18:30:14
Speaker 1
Other that includes shopping. That includes.
00:18:30:14 – 00:18:48:03
Speaker 2
Shopping. And you could have a certificate in hand in your email the next day. That’s the way it should be. And we’ve been working for a couple of years to get to this point. And I know I’m excited that we’re offering it just because it it’s I think it’s going to show hunters and show people who are
00:18:48:03 – 00:18:54:11
Speaker 2
in this market looking for this product that it doesn’t need to it doesn’t need to be all this. It can be this simple.
00:18:54:12 – 00:19:08:16
Speaker 1
No. And the other thing it shows them is the DHL is here for you. Yeah. They actually is working to make this a reality for you. Now, I should also add that when we email you your certificate, we will also email you a copy of your landowner certificate.
00:19:09:01 – 00:19:20:01
Speaker 1
Okay. We don’t always get landowners email addresses. If we do, we’ll email it to them. Sure. But if all we have is their their physical address, we will mail them a hard copy the next day. They won’t have it for a few days.
00:19:20:01 – 00:19:24:21
Speaker 1
Well, you’ll have it in your email. You can print it out and you can take it to them yourself and say, We’re all good.
00:19:24:22 – 00:19:25:03
Speaker 2
00:19:25:21 – 00:19:31:04
Speaker 1
So yeah, that’s a big one. The next thing that I’m really excited about is more policy options.
00:19:31:04 – 00:19:31:15
Speaker 2
00:19:34:00 – 00:19:46:11
Speaker 1
Most companies that I know of that offer this and there’s not a great deal of them. One has a march policy, one has a July policy, one has a couple have August one. That’s kind of the industry standard was an August 1st start date.
00:19:46:11 – 00:19:47:01
Speaker 1
You know, remember.
00:19:47:05 – 00:19:48:07
Speaker 2
Explain what that means.
00:19:48:07 – 00:20:03:20
Speaker 1
Okay. Yeah, we’re talking about master policies. So the American Hunting Lease Association has a master insurance policy. And what we do when you buy our insurance is, is you’re basically buying a spot on our policy. The very first question it should come to your mind is, oh, so we all share those limits.
00:20:04:01 – 00:20:23:17
Speaker 1
Absolutely not. Okay. There’s by endorsement you do not share. Everybody who purchases insurance with us has their own set of limits. And that is a million per occurrence, 2 million aggregate, you know, pretty much an industry standard. But what we’ve been able to do last year and starting just a few days ago was we added we had
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Speaker 1
a march one start policy start date and we had an August one start date and we felt that that captured most hunters. Now there are sometimes there are some lag. If you buy a policy in May, you have to if you want to be insured that day or the following day, you had to buy the March policy
00:20:40:12 – 00:20:41:11
Speaker 1
. You lost a couple of months.
00:20:41:11 – 00:20:42:23
Speaker 2
And no one’s going to rate you for that.
00:20:42:23 – 00:20:43:19
Speaker 1
Nobody’s going to.
00:20:43:19 – 00:20:47:09
Speaker 2
Prorate, and then you’re going to be up for renewal. It’s going to expire March four.
00:20:47:10 – 00:21:09:05
Speaker 1
So that first time when you renew, you’ve got ten months. Yep. From then on out you’d be fine. But what we’ve done is we’ve added a January one start date and an October one start date. Yep. So what that means is pretty much whenever you get permission, whenever you get your lease, we’ve got more options for you
00:21:09:05 – 00:21:26:14
Speaker 1
to get the best value out of your insurance policy. Yep. And again, should be a game changer. You know, I’ve told you before, if somebody else bought if somebody anybody buys hunting lease insurance somewhere else, it’s a little personal to me.
00:21:26:20 – 00:21:27:07
Speaker 2
Me too.
00:21:27:14 – 00:21:40:09
Speaker 1
You know that? I’m mad at him. But we’re doing everything we can sincerely to make this as affordable and as easy as possible and to give you the highest value. So if you if you don’t find us, that’s your fault.
00:21:40:18 – 00:21:42:09
Speaker 2
That is my fault. I’m working on.
00:21:42:09 – 00:21:52:16
Speaker 1
It. But if they if they just have some sort of brand loyalty to somebody else, I understand that, too. We’ll do our best to overcome that because we want your brand loyalty. But I get that too, you know.
00:21:52:20 – 00:22:05:14
Speaker 2
And ultimately, it’s not a it’s not a bad thing if they have brand loyalty somewhere else. Because the way I look at it is those people have access somewhere. Those people are hunting, they’re carrying on, they’re doing all the things that we talk about.
00:22:05:20 – 00:22:06:03
Speaker 1
00:22:06:11 – 00:22:08:08
Speaker 2
Just because they’re not buying our insurance.
00:22:08:08 – 00:22:26:15
Speaker 1
I’m not. No, no. Yeah. We have common grounds. What we know is that we have way more common ground with everybody in this industry than, you know, to be competitive, I should say. So the other thing is I to mentioned to if you’re listening and you have a leasing company, you know, and you’re buying insurance or you’re
00:22:26:17 – 00:22:39:10
Speaker 1
trusting that your hunters are buying insurance, and then they have to send in the search. What this does is this gives you much more versatility to use our program. And we have an affiliate program. Don’t get too far into that.
00:22:39:10 – 00:22:56:10
Speaker 1
But we pay a simple referral fee for just referring traffic to us. And if somebody purchases one of our policies, there’s a, you know, a, you know, a referral fee paid back to the affiliate. But what this does is when you get a landowner and they enroll in your program, again, we can give you a higher value
00:22:56:12 – 00:23:06:16
Speaker 1
for placing that with us. And the other thing that we can do is that if you are one of these small leasing companies and you do take part in our affiliate program, then we can actually assign you a representative here.
00:23:06:17 – 00:23:17:13
Speaker 1
Yep. And that’s your person. That’s your rep. And every time you call in, you can talk to her. She knows who you are. She knows what search you need. And she makes sure that you’re taking care of as a landowner or leasing company.
00:23:17:21 – 00:23:23:15
Speaker 1
And you don’t have to count on the hunters to email it to you or to track them down in the middle of the night and ask for their certificate.
00:23:23:17 – 00:23:35:04
Speaker 2
And, you know, the program might not work for everybody, but if you own a smaller leasing company like that, just call you. Yeah, you know, and have the conversation. It may not go anywhere, but at least you’ll know what’s available to you.
00:23:35:05 – 00:23:44:08
Speaker 1
Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, we’re talking about small affiliates or small leasing companies. I shouldn’t say small, but we’ve got a couple that have dozens.
00:23:44:08 – 00:23:44:19
Speaker 2
Dozens, you.
00:23:44:19 – 00:24:06:10
Speaker 1
Know, one over 100 available leases. Yeah. If you are one of our affiliates, you can use our lease spotter. Lease spotter is a program or a feature, I should say, that we’ve had really for about eight months. This all takes time to build, and we probably haven’t given it the love that it should have gotten early.
00:24:06:16 – 00:24:08:23
Speaker 1
But it’s a listing service and it’s free.
00:24:09:13 – 00:24:23:05
Speaker 2
It’s not it’s not dissimilar from a Craigslist. There’s a there’s a higher. So basically, it was kind of born out of the idea of we want guys to be able to find have a free resource, secure resource to find.
00:24:23:05 – 00:24:38:07
Speaker 2
Hunting property, Craigslist scams. This just came up. We posted something on social media and got a great response from it about Michigan. Yeah, some hunters in Michigan were scammed out of a property. They were actually being shown a property by a guy who just lived on it, didn’t own it, rented.
00:24:38:09 – 00:24:50:09
Speaker 2
And yet he was renting and renting on that property and was making money off potential hunters and they didn’t have the access to hunt. The property that turns into the perception may turn into, well, we have a leasing issue.
00:24:51:02 – 00:25:02:08
Speaker 2
You don’t you have you have property that could be leased, right. If the landowner permitted it. You have you have a scam artist issue. You have a Craigslist issue because anyone can post anyone can do everything with lease fodder.
00:25:02:08 – 00:25:06:02
Speaker 2
It is free. The only thing we ask is you create an account, right? That’s all we.
00:25:06:02 – 00:25:22:00
Speaker 1
Ask. A free account. Yeah. So you create a free account and then you’ll go to lease barter as it now we’re talking about landowners and then you can walk through five steps. You write a short description of your property, how much you want to charge, how many people you’re going to allow on it.
00:25:22:04 – 00:25:39:04
Speaker 1
Do you or do you not require them to purchase hunting? Lease insurance? Upload some pictures. You hit submit and it’s listed on any spotter. Hunters can get only spotter and peruse the entire country. Now, if you’re an affiliate or a small leasing company, or maybe even some company.
00:25:39:17 – 00:25:40:19
Speaker 2
A big leasing company.
00:25:40:19 – 00:25:58:11
Speaker 1
Or a big leasing company, or there’s there’s real estate firms. There’s timber companies that offer leasing. If you’ve got available leases with a simple RSS feed, which we are already able to take care of, you can automatically have your available leases included on the spotter.
00:25:58:11 – 00:26:11:22
Speaker 1
And then when they take when they come off the market, the RSS updates every morning, then they’re taken off automatically. So you want to talk about free exposure for your available leases. Uh, lease spotter is the place to go now.
00:26:11:22 – 00:26:27:07
Speaker 1
You mentioned secure. Is it 100% secure? I don’t think anything is 100%. But as a landowner, for you to upload this information, you had to give us contact information. So there most certainly is a much higher degree of security than on a free service like Craigslist.
00:26:27:07 – 00:26:36:05
Speaker 1
Sure. And, you know, with that comes accountability and some of the things I think you can, you know, trust the landowners that have leased or listed excuse me, on lease barter.
00:26:36:09 – 00:26:51:17
Speaker 2
I agree. And, you know, for an affiliate, I think it benefits guys like that. If you have a smaller company that maybe only a dozen leases, Google is, it does its best to give you users the best search results it can find.
00:26:52:05 – 00:27:08:09
Speaker 2
Smaller companies always have to fight that search engine optimization uphill battle. They always want to rank on the first page. Great point. And I think some of the benefits for affiliates to post on the spotter to become an affiliate and have their listings on these spotters organically, we rank a little bit higher in some of the search
00:27:08:09 – 00:27:22:06
Speaker 2
terms in the industry, and you may not as a smaller company, Joel’s leasing company may not have an opportunity to get people seeing your available listings, but if they find the American Hunting Lease Association and they find lease spotter, you’re going to be right there.
00:27:22:06 – 00:27:24:19
Speaker 2
So it’s it’s a it’s a win win for everybody involved.
00:27:24:22 – 00:27:45:06
Speaker 1
Yeah, it really is. You know, the CEO’s a big thing. And search engine optimization is it’s how we all live, you know, frankly. And if you’ve got a small leasing company in Oklahoma or let’s say you’re in Missouri, and for some reason the hunters in Louisiana love to go to Missouri, we know that it’s going to be
00:27:45:06 – 00:27:51:23
Speaker 1
hard for them to find you unless they are searching for northern Missouri, you know, annual leases.
00:27:51:23 – 00:27:55:22
Speaker 2
And Missouri is so popular for hunting leases, too, you’re just going to get drowned out in the end.
00:27:55:22 – 00:28:05:18
Speaker 1
It’s going to be real tough. But yeah, if you can come to lease spotter and have your listings all right there anybody can can take a look. And it’s a slick program, too. It’s nice. It’s very real easy.
00:28:05:18 – 00:28:18:05
Speaker 1
It’s it’s, you know, graphic motivated. So you didn’t clip it on pictures or. Yeah, clicking on pictures. So yeah, we’re excited about spotter. So the next thing is our guides and outfitters program.
00:28:18:12 – 00:28:19:07
Speaker 2
This is a big one.
00:28:20:04 – 00:28:21:16
Speaker 1
You know. Why is it so big, though?
00:28:23:05 – 00:28:40:13
Speaker 2
You know, I get excited about it only because the more we get into offering new services for hunting, lease insurance for individuals or small hunter clubs or whatever the case is. I talked about it earlier. I don’t know why other companies won’t offer some of the things, the different start dates, the pricing we get, all the other
00:28:40:13 – 00:28:55:00
Speaker 2
things that we offer. No one else is willing to do that. The guides and outfitters thing to me, that was kind of that was that was pretty amazing. Only because we found out through countless phone calls and emails, hey, do you guys offer this?
00:28:55:00 – 00:29:13:06
Speaker 2
Do you offer this? We’d always have to, like, refer people to industry partners of ours. Right. And there were always custom written policies. And the process takes so much longer for guides and outfitters insurance. So you credit to you you said, hey, why can’t we offer the same kind of program?
00:29:13:07 – 00:29:27:14
Speaker 2
But for guides and outfitters, insurance. So you spent I don’t know how many hours trying to figure this thing out was with a couple other people, but we’re now offering an insurance policy for Gods and Outfitters that is a master policy.
00:29:28:05 – 00:29:43:05
Speaker 2
And there are certain pre qualifying questions that you have to answer. It’s only like eight or nine of them, right? Pretty simple. And you fill you take 15 minutes and then no underwriting. No. If you answer those questions and you’re good, you qualify for our master program.
00:29:43:09 – 00:29:49:06
Speaker 2
It’s that simple, right? And you’re covered. Starting what is a July is when we.
00:29:49:10 – 00:29:51:01
Speaker 1
July one. But we just had a January.
00:29:51:02 – 00:29:55:16
Speaker 2
We just had a January. Yeah. So your cover next to you, if you purchase today, you’re covered next day.
00:29:55:21 – 00:30:08:18
Speaker 1
The most important thing, the guiding outfitter, is that they are covered when their season starts. Yet when you have a guest or a client, you need to be covered now. No guide or outfitter that I know of. I’m sure there are some out there.
00:30:09:05 – 00:30:16:04
Speaker 1
Have a need for annual everyday coverage. I’m sure they’re out there. You quite piece together hogs and deer and turkey.
00:30:16:04 – 00:30:17:11
Speaker 2
We hope you’re that successful.
00:30:17:11 – 00:30:31:00
Speaker 1
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Call us if you are. So the first thing and like you said, it starts with phone calls from guides and outfitters, guides and others. They call us constantly for a couple of years. Why can’t you do for us what you’ve done for private hunting leases?
00:30:31:21 – 00:30:39:22
Speaker 1
And we have insurance partners. You know, we don’t write the insurance. So we would go to them and go to them. Well, that’s never been done. Nobody does that.
00:30:39:22 – 00:30:40:18
Speaker 2
I like that answer.
00:30:40:19 – 00:30:54:08
Speaker 1
Yeah, I can’t stand that. That’s the way we’ve always done. It drives me nuts. So it just took a little while, you know, to prove to them who we are, what we do with hunting, lease insurance. That’s what we’re going to do with guides and outfitters.
00:30:54:18 – 00:31:11:17
Speaker 1
It’s all good. We’re going to work. You know, we create a lot of content buzzword for safety. Yeah. We want these folks to be safe. So I do start to do a little research. And if you want to buy guides and outfitters, liability insurance, and we’re talking about liability insurance only in this country.
00:31:12:07 – 00:31:16:01
Speaker 1
I was just I was floored by how antiquated it was.
00:31:16:06 – 00:31:16:20
Speaker 2
It’s crazy.
00:31:16:21 – 00:31:30:18
Speaker 1
It was literally download and print this app, fill it out, mail it in, sometimes mail it in with a check. And we’ll get back to you in a couple of weeks. Yeah. Tell you if your car lets.
00:31:30:18 – 00:31:31:06
Speaker 2
You know.
00:31:31:08 – 00:31:50:12
Speaker 1
Let you know if we accepted you. Wow. Okay. Why is that? Why could that possibly be the case? Because guys in outfitters have a wide variety of risks. Some guys in outfitters out west are taking clients on horseback into the mountains for a week.
00:31:51:04 – 00:32:04:13
Speaker 1
Inherently, there’s great risk there. Sure, I understand that. But there’s also guides in the Midwest or down South that are taking people duck hunting for a day and they’re sitting in a blind and they’re staying at a motel.
00:32:04:14 – 00:32:18:22
Speaker 1
Yep. And you know what? What is happening was those guides and outfitters that are duck hunting or fly fishing or that had very low risk were getting lumped into the same ball of risk as the guides and outfitters that have huge lodges.
00:32:18:22 – 00:32:19:11
Speaker 1
And they just.
00:32:19:11 – 00:32:20:03
Speaker 2
Doesn’t make sense.
00:32:20:03 – 00:32:20:20
Speaker 1
It doesn’t mean it’s a.
00:32:20:20 – 00:32:21:04
Speaker 2
00:32:21:04 – 00:32:41:01
Speaker 1
Operation. It’s completely different operation. And guides and outfitters industry. You are charged for your liability insurance based on your gross estimated revenue. Okay. Well, there’s minimums and I saw minimums anywhere from 1500 dollars to 20 $500. The Duck Hunting Guide, and I’m just using them for an example.
00:32:41:01 – 00:32:45:08
Speaker 1
There’s plenty more out there. He was going to make $10,000 this year total.
00:32:45:14 – 00:32:46:11
Speaker 2
Going to pay a quarter of.
00:32:46:17 – 00:32:48:00
Speaker 1
Its gross revenues.
00:32:48:00 – 00:32:50:00
Speaker 2
A quarter of your gross, just a quarter of.
00:32:50:00 – 00:33:02:23
Speaker 1
It just for liability insurance. And then we turn around and go, wow, I wonder why people aren’t hunting anymore. It’s impossible because that because that guy and her outfit are can’t turn a profit to take people can’t afford to be a guide or outfitter.
00:33:03:14 – 00:33:18:19
Speaker 1
So those people who. Our duck hunters, but maybe you want to try it. They have fewer places to turn, and so you kind of get into a supply and demand issue. So what we did to your point is we simply created the same model.
00:33:18:19 – 00:33:32:23
Speaker 1
We took our same model, and we created guides and outfitters. We showed it to the our insurance partners and they’re like, You know what? Let’s try it. Let’s give it a shot. So what we did was I think there’s nine questions at the beginning of our policy, and it just simply says if you’re if you’re using tree
00:33:32:23 – 00:33:41:05
Speaker 1
stand, you’ll have them in a harness. If you’re if your guest is riding an ATV, you’ll have a helmet on them. Yeah, we’re talking simple stuff.
00:33:41:05 – 00:33:46:03
Speaker 2
Simple things. If you answer no to the helmet thing, it’s like we’re good. Yeah, we’re good.
00:33:46:03 – 00:33:48:00
Speaker 1
Anyways, you’ll pay and you’ll pay a bunch of money.
00:33:48:01 – 00:33:48:17
Speaker 2
00:33:49:00 – 00:34:02:16
Speaker 1
You want to save $1,000 on liability insurance by $100 helmet? Yeah. And, you know, pretty simple. It’s pretty quick math. So the other thing was the process. And so we had to create a process online. Again, back to our web developer.
00:34:02:23 – 00:34:14:17
Speaker 1
This is stuff doesn’t exist. We have to build it. We have to create it. That’s hours and hours of web development and and redos and reevaluations. And and we finally settled on the process we have. And we launched this six months ago.
00:34:14:17 – 00:34:16:03
Speaker 2
Yeah, it’s new, right?
00:34:16:03 – 00:34:32:14
Speaker 1
And so and so we’re still learning the industry. We’re now learning processes and online sales. So we got that. But we are still learning the industry itself. So now we apply our old model to guides and outfitters, liability insurance as a guide, an outfitter.
00:34:32:14 – 00:34:37:07
Speaker 1
You can get on, you can get a quote on our website if you’re happy with the quote.
00:34:37:07 – 00:34:39:02
Speaker 2
In free instant quote, by the way, you put in.
00:34:39:05 – 00:34:39:08
Speaker 1
00:34:39:21 – 00:34:52:20
Speaker 2
Gross revenue and it’ll tell you right there. And that’s that’s what you’re paying out the door. There’s no hidden fees. There’s no none of that other stuff. Right. And we don’t need any other information other than what’s your gross estimated revenue will tell you the price right.
00:34:52:20 – 00:35:07:01
Speaker 1
There to give you a quote. You’re exactly right. You’re exactly right. So you like that quote. You get on and you fill out a two page application. The applications that I saw were six pages. And again, this. We sit down, we go to South Carolina or we go to where our partners are and we say, hey, here’s
00:35:07:01 – 00:35:19:16
Speaker 1
what we’ve got. We’ve got to make this. Why do we need this question? Well, probably don’t need it. Okay, that’s fantastic. Then it’s gone. Yeah. So let’s create a program that works for them and this one works for them.
00:35:20:12 – 00:35:33:13
Speaker 1
So, yeah, we start at $595 for up to $50,000 of gross estimated revenue. It’s a great price. It’s great, you know, and it works for them. I don’t think that’s going to run anybody out of business or make it difficult to to make a profit.
00:35:34:14 – 00:35:48:09
Speaker 1
And then they get to take people hunting as a living, you know, how nice is that? So yeah, we’re real excited about the Guides and Outfitters program. You have to start dates now. January one, July one. The important thing is you’re covered when you need to be covered.
00:35:48:17 – 00:36:05:10
Speaker 2
You know, it’s pretty interesting about the guides and Outfitters program is we’ve literally created a product that has never existed before. And we did, you know, trying to figure out the process and the application and things like that took some time and we just launched this thing six months ago, but we’ve been tweaking along the way and
00:36:05:10 – 00:36:23:02
Speaker 2
we’ve done very little in the way of promoting it. Even with that, that little amount of promotion, the response we’ve gotten from guides and the guys who have already purchased it and what it’s, it’s, it’s pretty promising. And, you know, I think it’s going to be a solution for a lot of guys out there who are trying
00:36:23:02 – 00:36:31:12
Speaker 2
to run a guide or outfitter service that they’ve never had before. And I think they’re just going to be, you know, if anything, relieved that there’s finally something out there that they can use.
00:36:31:16 – 00:36:45:15
Speaker 1
And there is no reduction in your coverage. This is an industry standard policy. Again, it’s 2 million aggregate 1 million. So there’s we’re not trying to sell you lesser coverage at a lesser price. Not at all. That doesn’t do anybody any good.
00:36:45:16 – 00:36:54:09
Speaker 1
Right. So we saw a problem. We were told of a problem and we researched it and we’ve we’ve addressed it. Yeah, in my opinion.
00:36:54:09 – 00:36:55:05
Speaker 2
I’m excited about it.
00:36:55:17 – 00:36:59:11
Speaker 1
Yeah, I am too. Let’s talk about the foundation.
00:37:00:08 – 00:37:02:02
Speaker 2
I’m gonna let you run with that one. That’s kind of your.
00:37:02:19 – 00:37:23:09
Speaker 1
Okay, listen, we’ve. We’ve been blessed to be in a position where in our members over 6300 hunt clubs now across the United States trust us with their hunting clubs, with their hunting leases and their landowners. So we are very fortunate and we understand that.
00:37:24:01 – 00:37:44:15
Speaker 1
And it’s time to simply give back. And so we created a501 C3. It’s the American Hunting Lease Foundation, and we are going to start almost say, acquiring land. We’re not buying anything. But there are large landowners or just landowners in general who would might be interested in.
00:37:46:03 – 00:38:08:17
Speaker 1
Giving us a the exclusive access to their property as an in-kind donation to the foundation. And then let’s let’s take example. We’d have 200 acres in Kentucky. Landowner said, you know what, I’d like to donate that to the foundation and they’ll get credit for that donation, whatever the relative value of that is, because, you know, we know
00:38:08:17 – 00:38:14:22
Speaker 1
that. So we’d get a receipt and then that’s a donation tax deduction on their part.
00:38:15:07 – 00:38:17:00
Speaker 2
But you’re not going to be using that just now.
00:38:17:07 – 00:38:36:13
Speaker 1
Yeah, no, we’re not going to go hunt on that. And then there are organizations at every trade show I go to that take terminally ill children, take veterans, and we’re going to expand this to include underprivileged children who just don’t have any entry into hunting or even adults who show a need.
00:38:37:02 – 00:38:50:00
Speaker 1
And they want to get into hunting. That’s what we’re going to do to try and grow the sport or be a part of that solution. And so then we’ll make this these properties available to these organizations. And of course, we’ll vet the organizations completely.
00:38:50:01 – 00:39:02:17
Speaker 1
We’ll make sure everything’s on the up and up. And in fact, we would probably go and be on some of those hunts. But what we’re trying to do now is just find some land for these organizations to take people hunting and put them together.
00:39:03:05 – 00:39:25:09
Speaker 2
It’s as simple as as as caring about this sport. That’s all this is. Right. And when we see millions and millions of hunters being lost, you know, annually between, you know, every time those reports come out and the numbers are declining, like you said in one of the first episodes, the numbers went down in the last report
00:39:26:02 – 00:39:40:22
Speaker 2
. Alarming, maybe. But if we get the next report and they’re down again now, we have a trend. Now we got an issue. I don’t want to I don’t want to have an issue, you know, and is the foundation going to be responsible for recouping millions of lost hunters now?
00:39:41:06 – 00:39:46:08
Speaker 2
But we can we can do what we can do. And we’re going to 2019 is going to be the start of that.
00:39:46:08 – 00:40:05:17
Speaker 1
Right. And, you know, I started at the onset of this podcast talking about building something. It takes time and it takes patience. And if this is the start of our commitment, then so be it. And in five, ten or 20 years after you and I presumably are gone, then hopefully the foundation is still doing the killer work
00:40:05:17 – 00:40:19:08
Speaker 1
. And the kids or the people that we’ve taken hunting now are starting to take, you know, they’re the people they took hunting or taking people hunting. And now we start to grow that back. And, you know, there are no shortcuts in life.
00:40:19:08 – 00:40:34:07
Speaker 1
I’m a firm believer that and this is just our it’s the foundation, if you will, of starting what you know, I’ve just given back because we feel responsible and we want to say thank you. You know, we owe it to to our members and we owe it to the hunting community to do to do just that.
00:40:35:08 – 00:40:42:17
Speaker 1
So. Let’s talk a little bit about you. And here’s one you can talk about the custom lease agreement.
00:40:43:22 – 00:41:06:19
Speaker 2
That’s a that’s. I think for a lot of people, the custom lease agreement is probably the most underrated. It doesn’t get as much shine overlooked. It’s overlooked. I think it’s it’s a resource. It’s a tool that you can use that, you know, it just takes all of the guesswork out of the communication with your landowner.
00:41:07:03 – 00:41:20:22
Speaker 2
You’ve said a million times communication with your landowners. The key. I think you made a video a couple of years ago and you likened it to a marriage. You got to have communication. You got to be able to talk to each other, set expectations and get everybody on the same page.
00:41:21:07 – 00:41:25:21
Speaker 2
And the custom lease agreement is the, I think, the first step in doing that.
00:41:26:12 – 00:41:39:15
Speaker 1
Yeah, I agree. And if you are a member, you know, if you already have your hunting lease insurance through the American Hunting Lease Association, our custom lease agreement is free to you. You use it, you have full access to it with your purchase.
00:41:39:21 – 00:41:53:04
Speaker 1
So, you know, we have a comparatively low percentage of our members are using it and maybe they already had a contract. That’s fine, but I’ll bet more than not, they’re writing it down on a piece of paper and just hand signing it.
00:41:53:23 – 00:41:54:10
Speaker 1
That’s better.
00:41:54:10 – 00:41:58:01
Speaker 2
Than nothing. Better than nothing. But it’s not what this can offer.
00:41:58:13 – 00:42:10:18
Speaker 1
Right. And you know, again, they’re free. We want you to use it. Please feel free to use it if you don’t purchase our insurance. And you just want you just need an agreement. It’s $25. You can. It’s customizable.
00:42:10:18 – 00:42:23:16
Speaker 1
So you can download it. You can. You can. I will actually, before you download it through it are all filling all your name in the landowner’s name and the address and all the requirements professionally. Then you download it and you print it out and you’re good to go.
00:42:23:21 – 00:42:30:02
Speaker 1
If you come back to us later and want to buy insurance for that lease. We’ll take the $25 off your insurance price.
00:42:30:02 – 00:42:41:04
Speaker 2
You get credit credited for that purchase. Look, it’s. I think it’s at the very minimum, if you’re getting into a hunting lease with a landowner, at the very minimum, you need something like this.
00:42:41:09 – 00:42:42:03
Speaker 1
00:42:42:03 – 00:42:54:12
Speaker 2
At the very minimum, you know, write, you know, writing down your own lease agreements on paper, handwritten. Like you said, it’s better than nothing. But we have a team of lawyers that we’ve worked with for years and they’ve vetted this thing.
00:42:54:12 – 00:43:05:20
Speaker 2
They’ve read through this. This is as legit as it gets. And it’s going to cover all your bases. Fully customizable, print it out. Everybody signed. It is professional. It’s the way to go. I mean, I see.
00:43:05:20 – 00:43:11:19
Speaker 1
That agreement with other logos on it, you know? Yeah, it has to be. I know times which, you know, have at it.
00:43:12:08 – 00:43:13:22
Speaker 2
Best form of best form of flattery.
00:43:13:22 – 00:43:29:08
Speaker 1
I guess, right. Yeah. But yeah, that’s again just another tool service feature, whatever you might call it. But we want this to work. And you know, the only reason, frankly, that people don’t renew with us is because they lost their lease.
00:43:29:08 – 00:43:47:14
Speaker 1
Right. And so if the custom lease agreement helps you keep your lease. Then then we want, you know, if if expectations were either not met or exceeded in a in a negative manner and you lost your lease. Well, that’s not good for anybody, you know, other than the people who are getting ready to lease it.
00:43:47:16 – 00:43:59:10
Speaker 2
It’s just easier to be able to refer back to something everyone agreed upon in a written document. And maybe you lost your lease because the land owner sold the property and the new landowner doesn’t doesn’t want to lease or they hunt or whatever the case is.
00:44:00:00 – 00:44:12:04
Speaker 2
You still have this old lease agreement. You can, at a very minimum say, hey, this is what I did for my last landowner. Take it. Take a look at this. This is this is what it outlines. And this is what I would expect and this is what I want your input with.
00:44:12:04 – 00:44:17:11
Speaker 2
And it just helps separate you from the dozens and maybe hundreds of other guys who are knocking on the door.
00:44:17:19 – 00:44:28:08
Speaker 1
Yeah, well, I agree. Last one. Well, close to last is just real quickly talk about a no trespassing signs. If you bought our insurance in the past, you you were offered. Do you want a dozen of these signs?
00:44:29:05 – 00:44:40:05
Speaker 1
They’re $15 and it’s $5 to ship you by five dozen. We’re going to charge you $5 a ship wherever you live. Yeah. Again, you can see what they hear in the background. They stand out.
00:44:40:18 – 00:44:41:14
Speaker 2
They stand no.
00:44:41:14 – 00:44:50:16
Speaker 1
Trespass or say, oh, I didn’t see that sign. Well, yeah, you did. You just decided to ignore it. So they were. And the reason we’re mentioning it is they’re wildly popular.
00:44:51:05 – 00:44:52:17
Speaker 2
More so than anyone in the office.
00:44:52:18 – 00:44:55:10
Speaker 1
I think we sold five or six out a dozen of those last year.
00:44:55:10 – 00:44:55:21
Speaker 2
00:44:55:21 – 00:45:01:06
Speaker 1
So people like them. They love, you know, letting people know that yeah. Their leases, you know, we’re here.
00:45:01:16 – 00:45:14:19
Speaker 2
Even if you don’t buy insurance by a lease agreement, if you just want a no trespassing sign that looks good and is obviously visible to anyone attempting to trespass. It seems like a no brainer to me, but I might be biased a little bit.
00:45:14:23 – 00:45:29:16
Speaker 1
It does. The last thing I want to mention is the photo contest. So we’re lots of companies have a photo contest, you know, and they all want a picture with a big deer or limited ducks or whatever. And those are fine.
00:45:29:20 – 00:45:43:03
Speaker 1
If you have those pictures, send them in. Okay. But that’s not all about hunting. That’s not hunting’s all about, I should say so we’ve got other divisions. So if you don’t have a drone, maybe you didn’t kill a big deer.
00:45:43:06 – 00:45:55:22
Speaker 1
Okay, maybe. Maybe you killed a doe and you took a picture with your kids. Or, you know, maybe it was just your daughter asleep on your shoulder in a tree stand, something like that. Send those pictures in, okay?
00:45:55:22 – 00:46:06:07
Speaker 1
Because that’s what hunting’s about. That’s what leasing is about. And so we’ve got four divisions. White tailed deer is one. Just because that’s what everybody wants.
00:46:06:12 – 00:46:06:20
Speaker 2
00:46:07:03 – 00:46:20:18
Speaker 1
Yeah, because you have to know we have critters. So if you’ve got, you know, maybe you want skinning or whatever, squirrel’s doesn’t matter. Feathers for wing shooters and then kids. So those are four divisions and we’re going to run it just like March Madness.
00:46:21:02 – 00:46:33:12
Speaker 1
So starting I think in about a month from mid-February, we’ll start and you folks out there are going to vote or not. So we’ll put them up on Instagram and then we’re going to run it like a tournament and it’s really kind of excited about it.
00:46:33:12 – 00:46:46:19
Speaker 1
I think it’s going to be really sharp. So send those pictures in to us now. What are you going to win? Simple, the final four. So the division winners of each of those divisions will get a 100 safety systems prize package.
00:46:47:02 – 00:46:55:12
Speaker 1
So we’re going to go hunt, you know, harness, lifeline, all that stuff provided you deer hunt. If you tell me you just don’t deer hunt have no use for the figures.
00:46:55:12 – 00:46:55:22
Speaker 2
Then I’ll.
00:46:55:22 – 00:47:10:00
Speaker 1
Work something out with you. Then the winner of our contest, the whole march, the whole deal will get a $500 gift certificate to Cabela’s. Okay, a gift card. So we’ll put our money where our mouth is. Yes. See some pictures, man we’re going.
00:47:10:06 – 00:47:18:18
Speaker 2
To check in with I checked in with Bobby the other day because it’s kind of not been my biggest priority. He’s kind of running the whole thing and. They’re kind of surprised at how many.
00:47:18:18 – 00:47:29:11
Speaker 1
Pictures are coming in. So it’s it’s really cool. And if, you know, if we get more than 64, who care? Will if you send in your picture, it will be in a contest. Is that okay?
00:47:30:12 – 00:47:45:18
Speaker 2
So, I mean, yeah, one house cleaning thing. I just want I do want to mention if you are if you had purchased a march policy with us last year and you want to renew up in this time, you can purchase a January policy because we offer that now or you can renew your March policy, whatever you want
00:47:45:18 – 00:47:58:17
Speaker 2
to do. But my point is, if you have an existing account and you log into your account and you haven’t logged in in a year, you’re going to get a notification, update your password. It was just simply a security thing.
00:47:58:17 – 00:48:10:10
Speaker 2
Honestly, it was. We want to make sure that your personal information is safe and secure on our website. So we just we basically did a password update. So it’s just a one time thing. Ask you to re reset it and you’re good to go.
00:48:10:18 – 00:48:26:03
Speaker 1
Okay. Yeah, that’s good to know. I think it’s all we’ve got for now. If you’re watching this from the newsletter, because this will this our podcast will now be part of every newsletter that goes out monthly. If you have a friend or you just know people, the one you think might enjoy the podcast.
00:48:26:03 – 00:48:36:07
Speaker 1
And again, we were admittedly self-indulgent today. Yeah, going forward we’re going to talk about food plots and how to make the most of maybe a small Liz or all those kind of topics that that you’ll have some interest in.
00:48:36:21 – 00:48:47:12
Speaker 1
Share your newsletter. Just forward it. Forward it to a friend. Send them an email, let them know, Hey, this is pretty useful stuff, but you’ll enjoy it. You know, that’s that would be that would mean the world to us.
00:48:47:12 – 00:48:48:23
Speaker 1
Yeah. It would help us do what we do.
00:48:48:23 – 00:49:04:13
Speaker 2
The links to our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter account, which we admittedly don’t use a ton, the Twitter account will all be in the description of this video when it’s published. And then, um, yeah, we didn’t get a chance to talk about how I had to make tags up this year, but.
00:49:05:10 – 00:49:13:01
Speaker 1
We’ll get it done. Tastes better. Good with grilled cheese. I’m off to the show, so we will. We’ll be back in a couple of weeks.
00:49:13:04 – 00:49:13:10
Speaker 2
00:49:13:19 – 00:49:15:03
Speaker 1
I know. Thanks, Joe. Yep.
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