We’re hunting out of a shed?
When I was told that I would be going shed hunting, the first thing I thought was, “cool, we are going to hunt out of a shed.” Apparently, that is not the kind of shed hunting I would be spending my weekend doing.
New to Me
While shed hunting is nothing new to anyone who has been around the hunting lifestyle, to someone fresh on the scene, it is quite the experience. My relationship with hunting, in general, was minimal, to be generous, so being allowed the opportunity to shed hunt with a great group of avid outdoorsman is truly a blessing.
I was able to really see and experience how much land, conservation, and animals mean to this community. It was never just about shed hunting. It was always about coming together with friends to see the beauty of what nature left behind this season. As well as getting hints on what is to come next fall.
First Time in The Field
I must admit, my shed hunting experience was slightly more luxurious than many people’s first time. We were staying at an extremely nice lodge in Ohio with an outfitter taking us to his favorite spots. Also, bringing along his side by side in case someone tapped out early.
The first time actually searching for sheds was my first rude awakening. Unprepared, both mentally and in terms of the clothes I brought, we started out the day in the woods with thick briar. Making my attention turn from finding sheds and deads to pulling thorns out of my jeans.
I was fast to realize I was far out of my element here. I found comfort in later hearing that everyone was struggling with the briars, and it was not just me. The initial day was the first time I realized any form of hunting requires a lot of two things: patience and cardio.
Why Shed Hunting is Actually Awesome
Despite not finding a shed in the 4 hours that I hunted, I had learned more than I realized. During those 4 hours, I had plenty of time to really talk about why we were out here with a number of the guys. It showed me how much things like this meant to them. Giving me a chance to walk and talk with the same guys that live and breathe hunting. Which put into perspective
While being able to find a matching set would have been awesome. The new experiences and time spent one on one with hunters far outweigh that.
Leaving the weekend, I walked away with many things.
- New respect towards hunters and hunting in general. Being indoctrinated into the world of hunting so quickly really made me see it for what it is. A way to connect with the land, show respect to the wildlife, and spend time with people who love doing it just as much as you do.
- I want and desire to continue my journey into the world of hunting and the outdoors.
- I would have never had the chance to have new friendships and bonds with people before this weekend.
- The knowledge that it is never too late to start hunting or pick up new passions.
Overall, my shed hunting experience is one that I can honestly say I will never forget. It took me completely out of my element and threw me into a new situation I never thought I’d find myself in. I really appreciate and can’t wait to see what is next for me in my hunting/outdoor industry career.
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